Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Top 5 Wednesday - Favourite Chapter Headings

Top 5 Wednesday

Favourite Chapter Headings
July 1

I tried to match the headings to what went on in the chapter, so if the name was kinda cool but really didn't match what went on it lost points and probably didn't make it to this list. 

Not many books I have read have chapter titles or headings, drawings even. Did anyone else have this problem too?
  1. The Clock of the Time Dragon, Wicked, Gregory Maguire
  2. A House Full of Books (doesn't that just sound beautiful?), Inkheart, Cornelia Funk
  3. The Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, JK Rowling
  4. Of Serpents and Paradoxes, Triss, Brian Jaques
  5. Magic is the simplest thing, Eragon, Christopher Paolini 

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