Book Tags

Book Tags
I love doing book tags and tend to go on kicks where I will do a bunch all at once and then not do one for ages.
If you know a tag that I haven't done that you loved comment it bellow and il try and do it right away.

Coffee - June 2018
Disney's Inside Out
Mean Girls - October 2016
Disney Princess - July 2016
Disney Villains - August 2015
Disney Villains Part 2 *Original - July 2016
The Dr Seuss  *Original - August 2015
Fictional Boyfriends  - July 2015
Seven Deadly Sins - June 2015
Taylor Swift  - June 2015
Coffee - June 2015
Disney - June 2015

*When I write an original book tag I just punch the title into Google and if nothing comes up at that time I call it "new"I have no doubt other people have thought up similar ideas or will. Please leave me a comment if anyone finds a book tag with the same theme. I will for sure post a link to connect your tag to mine (plus I would love to do your / another persons version of the tag)

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