Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Book Review - Wicked

By Gregory Macguire
406 Pages
2 Stars

The book is split into five different sections, I am just starting the third section, The Emerald City. I had picked up this book before and gotten less than 100 pages in before I put it back down, I just wasn't loving the story. With all the story retellings that have been released I decided to give it another go. I am really struggling with this book, I have decided that as a retelling  or spin off of the wizard of Oz its a failure. This book is a very thinly disguised political and social statement, in that aspect its a good book just not the book I wanted to be reading.

The biggest downfall of this novel are the unlikeable, irritating, unpleasant characters, while there are flashes of goodness it is not enough to redeem them. I wont be recommending this book to anyone to anyone. I am going to try and put this down, pick it back up and finish it so that its over just to see if it gets any better maybe. I honestly don't know if I will finish this...

Below I put down some of the topics brought up by the author with the context, SPOILERS

So keeping in mind that I am less than halfway through this book I have already found these statements (granted I am reading into this a bit, but they really are prominently displayed in most cases)

  • Frex and Melana, The first section of the novel focuses mainly on these two characters I could have dismissed most of these statements as building blocks of the story if the writing had changed.
    • the division amongst social classes, 
    • marriage from one class to another 
    • Frex : fanatically religious, zealot, mean, cold, devoid of feeling, pleasure is sin, Elphaba his punishment for being a failed preacher, 
    • Melana : drunk, drug addict, rich family, good bloodline, married down, unfaithful in marriage (lover is Turtle Heart), pregnant is the child Frex's? 
    • Morals, Marriage, Religion
  • The different races (Each race is a representation, not sure of what yet but its building up to it)
    • Humans 
    • Elves (small green, live in the forest, )
    • Quadlings (live in marshland, farmers, poor,)
    • animals vs Animals (talking, thinking beasts, who apparently have a soul)
  • Religion(s) / Ideologies
    • Unionism the unnamed god, all powerful, 
    • Lurline - legend, old religion, story of goddess who created OZ, Ozma (royalty) supposedly direct bloodline from her
    • Royalism - this comes later in the novel, after the queen has been overthrown. It is illegal and treasonous to be a royalist. 
  • Genocide, racial superiority
  • Government enforced prison camps/settlements/ quarantines
  • The removal of civil rights, human rights, 
  • Corruption, the allusion of choice or democracy, ignorance of the public, gradual transitions (sneaky) so as not to draw attention, desensitization, manipulation through mass confusion, fear culture, 
  • Capitalism, Industrialization, Materialism, 
  • Each Character represents a bigger ideology or faction 

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