Saturday, June 13, 2015

Seven Deadly Sins Book Tag

GREED—What is your most inexpensive book? What is your most expensive book?
What Author Have You Read the most books from? Tamora Pierce 34 books

WRATH—What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?
EDIT*What is your biggest bookish problem?

Over Hyping, series that I wish had been stand alones.

GLUTTONYWhat book have you deliciously devoured over and over with no shame whatsoever?
Harry Potter, JK Rowling

SLOTH—What book have you neglected reading due to laziness

Classics - Watership Down, Frankienstein

PRIDEWhat book do you most talk about in order to sound like a very intellectual reader?

A Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
Also when you get the reference to a or a quote from another novel

LUSTWhat attributes do you find most attractive in male or female characters?

Edgy, Bad boy, lethal, sarcastic Strong,
Mary JaniceDavidson
Sherrilyn Kennyon
Yasime Galnorm

ENVYWhat books would you most like to receive as a gift?

The Lord of the Rings + The hobbit omnibus hardcover
Stephen King matching novel set 

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