Friday, June 12, 2015

Taylor Swift Book Tag

1. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together - pick a book or series that you were pretty sure you were in love with, but then wanted to break up with.

Janie Johnson, Caroline B Cooney

2. Red - pick a book with a RED cover.

The Battle of the Labyrinth, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Rick Riordan
You Slay Me, Aisling Grey Guardian,  Katie McAlister

3. The Best Day - pick a book that makes you feel nostalgic.

Redwall, Brain Jaques 

4. Love Story - pick a book with forbidden love.

Blood and Chocolate, Vivian and Aiden, Anette Curtis Klause

5. I Knew You Were Trouble - pick a book with a bad character you couldn’t help but love.

Hannibal Lecter, Thomas Harris

6. Innocent (written b/c of Kanye West!) - pick a book that someone ruined the ending for.

Twilight, Sephanie Meyer

7. Everything Has Changed - pick a character from a book who goes through extensive character development.

Susie and John, The Nightside Series, Simon R Green

8. You Belong With Me - pick your most anticipated book release. 
EDIT --> Most anticipated series to begin, 

The Lunar Chronicles, Marissa Meyer

9. Forever and Always - pick your favorite book couple.

Suzie and John, The Nightside Series
Mia and Adam, If I Stay, Gayle Forman

10. Come Back, Be Here - pick the book you would least like to lend out, for fear of missing it 
too much.

Journeys Through Bookland

BONUS QUESTIONS:11. Teardrops On My Guitar - pick a book that made you cry a lot.

My Sisters Keeper, Jodi Picoult 
Not Without My Sister, Kristina Jones

12. Shake It Off - pick a book that you love so much, you just shake off the haters.

Wintergirls, Laurie Halse Anderson

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