Sunday, June 14, 2015

Top 5 Wesdnesday - March

March 4th - Books You'd Save in a Fire

  1. Agents of Light and Darkness, Simon R Green 
  2. Under the Dome, Stephen King
  3. The Doorkeepers,  Graham Masterton
  4. Alanna the first adventure, Tamora Pierce
  5. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
March 11th - Books That Made You Think

  1. A Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
  2. Not Without My Sister, Kristina Jones
  3. The Girl Next Door, Jack Ketchum
  4. The Help, Katherine Stockett
  5. A Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled Hosseini
March 18th - Bookish Habits 

  1. Leaving my book face down open to save my page, I never use a bookmark
  2. Picking a book because of the cover... even if I don't like the synopsis 
  3. Reading series out of order, or reading one random book out of the middle of a series
  4. Love and Hating Cliches at the same time
  5. Not remembering what you read but knowing you read it 
  6. Moving around when I read
  7. Tea, coffee, beverage
  8. Reading super late at night
  9. TBR - Hundreds, everywhere, it never ends
March 2th - Worst Series Enders 
I don't like this question and heres why, I find that generally before I reach the end of a series I will dislike the 2,3 books before the last meaning I don't normally make it to the final book.
And there are so many series that I LOVED THE ENDING this just feels like such a negative thing!
  1. Breaking Dawn
  2. Series of Unfortunate events *this was more so a personnel problem than an author problem I really wanted to finished the series but when I read it I really wasn't into it. I do remember wishing I had got more information about the secret society and everything but there where probably many things I forgot because I read so many of these at different times.

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