Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Book Review - Catch 22. J Heller


Not only is this book a classic, but seeing as how 2020 was the year that it was, I figured it was finally the time to get this read of my TBR list. 

A fictional satirical classic.

Set during World War II.

Overall this book was a 5/10 Star Meh. 

I trudged through reading this, it was sarcastic and witty and the whole point was to be ridiculous (mission accomplished); but it was also brutally slow. Built entirely around character development and the concept of "Catch-22", it is the substance of essays and quotes more than a pleasure read. 

Mini Summary

The pilots are doing everything they can to avoid flying missions, as most of the men who fly die. Thus they fake ailment and illnesses in the infirmary to remain grounded. This is a farce between soldiers and officers that culminates in a great many outrageous circular arguments and devious plans to avoid combat. Yossarian is our primary protagonist, with side plots surrounding the chaplain and the head cook/supply man with larger parables attached, to both, concerning the clergy and capitalism.  

With all that went on politically in 2020 and the culture front as well, it is a poignant piece that liked or not should be given consideration. 

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