Wednesday, February 17, 2021

2021 and my 2 Year Hiatus

    How crazy is it that my last post was January 2019.... 777 days ago! Insane right?

So my first ever blog post was March 25th, 2015

I was 20, this year I will be 26!!! (how did that happen?!?)

Initially, I posted about all kinds of random things, recipes, life blogs, and book stuff. It has been narrowed down to only posting about books. 

At the time I was a welder, working in the oilpatch, in northern rural Alberta, Canada

I am currently on my Ph.D. journey, I am an incredibly happy wife, and a super proud, excited nervous mama-to-be in central rural Alberta. 

I might not have as much time as I used to, but after a tumultuous few years, where I did not do very much critical reading and had no desire to keep up the blog, I am back!

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