Thursday, March 1, 2018

Book Review l The Lost Girls

The Forgotten Girls
(A Bella DeFranco Mystery #1)
Alexa Steele 

Mystery / Detective / Murder / Fiction
4.5 Stars

I got this book for free off iTunes and for a free book it wasn't bad. In fact for a free book, it was good. But compared to most books, it falls a little bit short.

The writing is underdeveloped and immature, falling into all the common "young or new author" traps. The characters were very cookie cutter,  I had a pretty strong sense of dejavu, the story could have come come right from Law and Order : SUV or even with minimal tweaking Criminal Minds. Another issue was that the characters are unlikeable or give off a detached feeling. When I am reading I like to be able to pretend that the characters have been, are or could be real. I am reading a persons story. This was really missing. It read in a high school essay kind of tone. I am having a hard time explaining, but I pretty much feel no commitment to the series. So needless to say I don't think il be checking out any of the other books unless they free too... and maybe not even then.

She did throw in a pretty good plot twist and then ending wasn't bad. But I am going to guess this shocking 180, and the story going far left field is going to be her "signature". Which will make things very predictable, predict that the first 3/4 of the book will have nothing to do with how it turns out. Which is maybe where some of my "I don't care" feelings are stemming from.

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