Thursday, March 1, 2018

Book Review l Feed & Deadline

Mira Grant

Feed & Deadline

I knew going into these books that they were all about zombies (don't think you could go into these totally blind) and I read Feed in April 2017. 

It has been 20 years since the zombie apocalypse, and the end of the world as we knew it. 2014 - we cured cancer and the common cold, side effect : walking dead. Humanity has mostly built itself back up, although things are very different from what they were. The News for instance. You have your normal news platforms, radio, tv, newspapers, government sanctioned and controlled . But there is also a new outlet  a free-er platform : Blogging. This is where the twins Georgia and Shaun Mason shine, she is driven by facts and the truth, he is driven by adrenaline and love for his sister. Their blog takes off as they follow the campaign for the next president of the USA. Uncovering secrets and conspiracies along the way. 

That summary is really the tip of the iceberg but I don't want to give anything away.

I remember it took me awhile to get into Feed, it was good, well written, action packed, interesting. When I had it in my hands I just couldn't put it down, but the moment I did put it down, I had a hard time picking it back up again - I just couldn't find an incentive, which makes no sense and is contradictory to the rest of what I just said, I know - I think the world is amazing, I love Georgia and I really like Shaun and the other characters, the settings are very cool. Its "zombie" without trying to hard to be different, but its not cookie cutter either. It explains facts and fills in plot-holes without deviating from the story telling. Grant shows a lot of technical skill in her writing. 

I got a good ways into Deadline right after finishing Feed, but then it somehow just fell by the wayside. 
I did finally get to it again this year, I would like to finish the trilogy (which I just found out is a 4 set now + a bunch of half books and short stories), but I had the same problem with Deadline that I had with Feed and it is now the same thing with Blackout, I want to know what happens, how it turns out, etc. but it just doesn't strike me as a priority the way my other TBR books do. 

I would really like to get these books finished before the end of the summer so that is my 'self-goal' but we will see how that goes. 

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