Monday, March 5, 2018

Book Review l Rituals

(Cainesville #5)
Kelley Armstrong

YA / Fantasy / Supernatural / Paranormal
8.5 Stars

I loved these books, and they were some of the first books that I annotated, for sure the first everyday kind of books I took notes on.  When I finally got around to this last one, I was so happy with how much of the previous books I remembered -  its been over a year since I read the  first 4 and I binge read them - Armstrongs stories tend to be great when I am reading them but the details fade really quickly (but not this time!).

*** No Summery because it will give away to much from books 1-4

I am still amazed at this series, I just loved it so much. It is a mix of Celtic, Irish folklore. A YA - teen version of American Gods. It does the predestined characters in the perfect way, its avoids most cliches. Gabriel was / is amazing, I have the biggest crush on him. Armstrong played him and Ricky against each other, but together, and to the reader in such a clever way. I love Ricky but I never rooted for him, but I wanted him to be happy. I didn't always like Gabriel, he was always sexy, dark, mysterious, and I always wanted him to end up with Liv. Even when I was sitting there hating him for being slow, distant, reluctant. I contracted myself over and over reading these. I am so happy with how it all ended, it felt a little anticlimactic at times, but then it just fits perfectly.

Amazing amazing amazing, would make a phenomenal TV show.

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