Monday, February 26, 2018

Book Review l The Picture of Dorian Grey

The Picture of Dorian Grey
Oscar Wilde

Classic / Horror /
7 Stars

If you could live a life free of any repercussions what would you do? Dorian Grey must answer this question for himself. 

Classic books; I recommend always watching the movie before, you read the book. For me anyways, it helps to organize what I am listening to - particularly if the language is difficult, it's one less thing to try and puzzle through - that and unlike most modern texts, there aren't any spoilers or big secrets to ruin. I normally know most of the plot going into the movies and then same thing again for the books.

 It was a little bit unnecessary in this case as the characters were straightforward and the plot was pretty simple and easy to follow. For a classic the language was pretty easy to understand as well which was nice. As with most of my classics I picked up the audiobook.

This is one of the cases where the movie is better than the book, I think the acting is spot on and the actor who plays Dorian is beautiful.

*** Side note : Why is it that only classic novels get these amazing beautiful covers, and you can buy whole sets of matching books? YA series everywhere start taking tips from these publishers!

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