Monday, July 6, 2015

Fitness Log - Goals

I am going to try and keep myself accountable by tracking this publicly, this is my initial post, I will do an update either when I reach my goals (split into the bellow two sections) and or on October first which is the target date to have all these completed.

My rules are

  • proper form
  • no rest between reps
  • maximum 60 seconds between sets

The first 8 are a circuit set up in the ladies section of my gym, I am trying to get each machine to its max weight, although that is an eventual goal not necessarily the goal I will be writing down today

lb x reps x sets -- current --> goal *max weight (if different from the goal)
  1. Butt Master (glutes) -- 200lb x 12 x 3 -- > 200 x 12 x 3           
  2. Bicep Machine -- 50 x 8 x 3 --> 70 x 12 x 3 *110 x 12 x 3
  3. Inner Thigh -- 200 x 10 x 3 --> 230 x 12 x 3
  4. Outer Thigh -- 200 x 10 x 3 --> 200 x 12 x 3
  5. Leg Extension (Quads) -- 80 x 10 x 3 --> 120 x 12 x 3
  6. Leg Curl (Hamstrings) -- 90 x 8 x 3 --> 140 x 12 x 3
  7. Shoulder Press -- 50 x 8 x 3 --> 70 x 12 x 3 *unsure of max
  8. Back Flies -- 40 x 10 x 3 --> 80 x 12 x 3 * unsure of max

  1. Squats -- 160lb x 8 x 5 --> 200lb x 12 x 5
  2. Dead lifts -- 120lb x 12 x 5 --> 200lb x 12 x 5
  3. Cardio, Treadmill -- 3 Miles in 30 minutes *this is not a focus, its just something to keep me going I haven't run for 30 minutes straight recently enough to have a current stat.
Some Side notes,
  •  my weakest muscle is my back,
  •  my strongest is my legs
  • my biggest struggle is not to engage my traps (when I don't mean to), particularly during back and shoulder workouts

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