Sunday, June 14, 2015

Bookish Pet Peeves


  • Stickers on Books
  • Changing the cover halfway through a series
    • Putting an ugly cover on a great book
    • only hard cover or paperback / semi some of each
  • More books than necessary
  • Unnecessary Characters, particularly love interests, siblings
  • Too much love
  • Strange book hight 
  • Odd names that don't fit in 
  • Bad Endings...


  • Spoilers
  • People who can't handle your opinion 
  • Overhype
  • Harassing you about reading a book

Things That I Know Bother People That Don't Really Bother Me
  • Bent Spines, Dog Eared pages
  • Dust Jacket Habits, On, Off, better with better without
  • Hating on Ebooks
  • Movie/Books

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