Thursday, June 25, 2015

Book Review - Horns

This cover is better than my red cover
<3 Daniel R. 
by Joe Hill

8 Stars
Paranormal / Romance / Mystery/ Thriller /
Easy / Mid Level Read

I read this for my red book during the #Rainbowthon June 15 - 22, I haven't seen the movie yet I am one of those people who has the "book before movie" rule. This is my first Joe Hill read, he is of course Stephen Kings son. Needless to say I had high expectations and was really super excited for this book.
My expectations for this book where a little off, I thought this was more of a horror book which it wasn't,  the book wasn't even creepy which was surprising for me. Another thing I expected was for this to be a tougher type read, I was going into this knowing this was Stephen Kings kid, expecting lots of Kings style to be there - which it was moderately just not as wordy and tedious as King can be. I think because I read so much YA for the read-a-thon i'm torn between saying this is an easy read or mid level but leaning more towards easy.  Onto the novel itself there where a couple of references to Stephen King and some of his novels that made me SO SO HAPPY, I always have this evil scientist feeling when books reference books and I put all the pieces together... its just amazing. I read this book pretty much in one day, I had such a hard time putting it down. This wasn't really a gripping read where you get the "I can't put it down" feeling, but it was such a good story you just didn't want to put the book down. The book had some moments where things got to be a little predictable but it wasn't too overt or obvious. There was also a little bit of repetition that got to be someone irritating, more in hindsight than during the read, enough that I noticed it anyways. The highlights of this book are the transformation, it was super cool and the totally different way that he portrayed the devil, hell, all those archetypes was refreshing (this boosted the rating from 7 stars to 8 for sure).

Just because this is a book turned movie, everyone who watches the movie should read this book. Because there are rules if you watch the movie you must read the book. its definitively a good bridge book between YA and adult. I will be recommending this read to people.

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