Saturday, June 30, 2018

Book Review l The Chalk Man

The Chalk Man
C. J. Tudor 

Horror / Thriller / Mystery
7 Stars
Easy Reading

This small town hides a dark and terrible secret. Murders from the past come back to haunt the present, someone has the answers and it is all tied to a small group of friends. Some of the kids who are now adults  left this little town long ago and some never escaped. As their worlds collide once more, death comes to visit.

I loved this book but I am still conflicted about it, it reminded me so much of the Losers Club (It) and the Neighbourhood Gang (Jack Ketchums, Girl Next Door) in ways that seemed more like a rip off than just inspiration. The plot was excellent though. You can really see the potential this author has as they find their own style a little bit more.

I can't wait to pick up more of Tudors novels. I can see great things in her future.

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