Friday, March 16, 2018

Book Review l Dracula & Frankenstein

Bram Stoker 

Classic / Horror / Vampire /
8 Stars

We follow count Dracula from Transylvania to London, were the vampire wishes to start a new life and new reign of terror. The fiend is driven from the city, hunted by a trio of well informed and connected men lead by Dr. Van Helsing. Chasing the count back to Transylvania for the final encounter.

I read the first half of this book countless times, I could never make it past Mina Harkers entrance. I am so glad that I finally pushed through that, because this is one of the classics that I really enjoyed, right to the end. The last 1/4 of the book just flew by. I found myself comparing this again and again to Salem's Lot by King, pretty sure it was Dracula that inspired the book. But I think King did it better.

Mary Shelley

Victor Frankenstein becomes obsessed with reanimating the dead, he finally succeeds, but is horrified at the result. He flee's his laboratory, leaving the monster behind. When murders and mysteries begin to plague his family he wonders if the fiend is not to blame; which means that he, as the fiends creator is equally to blame. As the doctor sets out to hunt the monster, the reader confronts the nature vs nurture aspects of mankind. 

I read a part of this in high school, but I was never really motivated to pick it up again. But between the Netflix, Frankenstein Chronicles (which I binge watched) and that it was for free on audiobook (love librivox) I did finally read it.

It was a lot better than I thought it would be, and it was a lot different. Much more, short sweet and to the point than I had anticipated. The plot was different from what I was expecting - I don't really know what I was expecting - but I related much more to the monster, despised the Dr and disagreed with the "mankind" in the story. For a classic it really was a thought provoking piece.

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