Monday, January 1, 2018

Top 17 of 2017

Top 17 Books Of 2017

The Top 3
In order, #1 being the best of them all

  1. The Hatching, Ezekiel Boone
  2. The Necromonicon : The Complete Works Of, HP Lovecraft
  3. The Dark Tower Series, Stephen King
The Next 5
In no particular order

  1. The Butterfly Garden, Dot Hutchison
  2. Heartless, Marissa Meyer
  3. Howls Moving Castle, Diana Wynn Jones
  4. Rage, Stephen King as Richard Bachman
  5. The Martian, Andy Weir
The Remaining 9 
Again in no particular order
  1. Feed, Mira Grant
  2. World War Z, Max Brooks
  3. The Lesser Dead, Buelmhan
  4. The Infernal Devices, Cassandra Clare
  5. Sugar, Salt, Fat, Michael Moss *Non Fiction
  6. Cannibalism : A Perfectly Natural History, Bill Schutt
  7. Rosemary's Baby, Ira Levin
  8. 13 Reasons Why, Jay Asher
  9. American Gods, Niel Gaiman

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