Sunday, June 11, 2017

Series Review l The Hatching

The Hatching
Ezekiel Boone 

Horror / Creature Feature / Mystery / Thriller /

The Hatching
352 Pages
10 Stars

I picked this up as a treat to myself for moving (yet again) but this time I managed to get all my books and other random items from various storage places. I got it just based on the cover and the quick blurb on the back that compared it to Jaws.

I read this book twice in a week and plan on rereading it again in the next month or so. It is the best creature feature book I have read! my only complaint is : its Boones debut so there are not more books for me to read!

It hit all the right notes for me, creepy and crazy but not unbelievable... I think if I gush more I will spoil it but you HAVE TO READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Skittering
352 Pages
10 Stars

This was my most anticipated sequel this year. As the above review states I am obsessed. I was so nervous that I would be let down, I mean the bar was set sky high so how could this one compare???  NO SPOILERS so I can't say much but it was fantastic. And even better news, it was amazing in a new way from the first! We held onto the characters and continued the story line but Boone still kept it fresh.  

Like I said we shifted into a different gear with this book, more points of view and the spiders morphed into yet another kind of monster, we lost a little bit of the realism but we gained something that I have yet to identify. I can't wait for the third novel (in what I think is a trilogy) Zero Day should be released in February and I am hoping to get a pre order for my birthday in October!

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