Monday, September 26, 2016

Book Review - Every Heart A Doorway

Every Hear a Doorway
Seanan Mcguire

10 stars
169 Pages
Easy Read
Fantasy / YA / Fiction /

Anyone who has been involved in the book community has heard about this book lately, and it has a reputation for being an instant favourite, 5 out of 5 stars from some of the toughest reviewers. Thus I was very hesitant to read it because of how hyped it had been. Now that I have finally read it I totally understand the intense feelings that go with talking about the book, I read it in one sitting because I just couldn't put it down! This novel just skyrocketed up onto my favourites list, right blow Harry Potter, one of the highest ratings I have ever given a book. Starting with the cover of the book, which is gorgeous. Then there is the premise, that alone is enough for it to be an exceptional novel, and the rest lives up to and exceeds expectations. The characters, the setting, the beauty of the writing in its simplicity... I am speechless it is just so perfect. I can't wait for the next two novels. I want books about each of the worlds, I want the full story behind each of the characters. Anyone who is into fantasy should have to read this it is just fantastic. It does include LGTBQIA which I found didn't add much to the story, but didn't really take away from it. In a way these subjects just were and I find that is how it is in real life, its a neutral fact.

Read this novel it is so good you won't be disappointed!

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