Thursday, June 18, 2015

Hair Dye Review - Splat Pink

What You Get For Your $
I decided to try the splat because it came with a bleaching kit, I had roots that where probably a good three inches and I only used about half the bleach. So with the kit you get ;
  1. the bleach, 
  2. a pair of gloves 
  3. the hair colour

Splat's Hair Bleach

Dying Over This
I did a bit of messing around with pastel before I dyed the rest of my head just to see how it would turn out. I used conditioner to tone down the dye, my ratio was at least ten to one. I just mixes in a little bit of dye at a time till I got a colour that was a couple shades darker than what I wanted,

Top is the pastel bottom was my test for the full color

My roots where really coppery and not as blonde as the rest of my head and they didn't turn out very well 

Because pastel is so light it didn't cover up any of the purple and I had quite a few colours going on.

Two weeks in barley faded

Covered up my bad roots really well, would be great to dye over dark hair too
This was the final result with the full strength hair dye, it was super bright. WARNING this did not wash out, or fade at all. If you are going to get this hair dye you need to commit to having it on your head for at least a couple of months. This is a permanent hair dye more or less.

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