Monday, June 15, 2015

Recipe Review - Protein Pancake

Four Ingredient Protein Pancakes
I am not sure where this recipe originally came from or who created it,
I found a blog post on Pintrest (this is the post) it included the recipe saying that it had come from a magazine.

  • 1 large mashed banana
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/8 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tbsp vanilla whey protein powder
I mixed all this in my blender, I used coconut oil to keep the pancakes from sticking to the pan. 

I have to say that this recipe didn't work as well as I had hoped, 
The pancakes where black on the outside and still raw on the inside, I tried to make a few different sized pancakes thinking that this might change the result. It was a little better when I made the pancakes small (2 inches across) but didn't totally fix the problem. I used about half the batter doing this before I decided to pour the rest in the pan and try cooking one big pancake in the oven @350 for 10 minutes. This was way more successful, my suggestion would be baking these in a muffin tin I would guess it will make about 8 pancake "muffins" 

Baked Pancake out of pan
Baked Pancake in pan I might have squished the side a little oops..

The best result from cooking on the stove

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