Monday, June 15, 2015

Book Review Overview/Template


Number of Pages in this book
Reading Difficulty

With Fiction :

Questions that I like to answer right away are...

  • What else have I read by this Author and how did I rate it.
  • Is this novel part of a series?
  • Why/where did I get this book
  • My opinion on the cover
The Genera
The audience, it is important to me when reviewing that I keep in mind the age range, gender, time period (this is more so with classics) the novel was written for. Taking all those things into account often drastically changes my rating and review.

Overview - I generally go into some detail with this, 


Story - Spoilers everywhere.

Likes/ Dislikes / Personal commentary.

This is will be an ongoing post if I add or change the way I have been doing my reviews I will edit this to reflect that. 

If there is anything you would like to see in my reviews that I do not include please let me know.

With Non-Fiction my review style varies depending on the topic.

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