Thursday, June 11, 2015

Disney Book Tag

*This is +Katytastic's Book Tag so shout out to her for the creation of this!

1. The Little Mermaid - a character who is out of their element, a “fish out of water”
Jason & Percy, The Heroes of Olympus, Rick Riordan

2. Cinderella - a character who goes through a major transformation
Ronnoch. Firebringer, David-Clement Davis 
Tally, Uglies, Scott Westerfeld 

3. Snow White - a book with an eclectic cast of characters
A Game of Thrones, George RR Martin 
Stephen King Universe - Derry

4. Sleeping Beauty - a book that put you to sleep
Twilight #2 #3 #4

5. The Lion King - a character who had something traumatic happen to them in childhood
Acheron, The Dark Hunter Universe, Sherrilyn Kenyon 

6. Beauty and the Beast - A beast of a book (a big book) that you were intimidated by, but found the story to be beautiful

7. Aladdin - a character who gets their wish granted, for better or worse
My Sisters Keeper, Jodi Picoult

8. Mulan - a character who pretends to be someone or something they are not
The Bourne Supremacy, Jason Bourne #2, Robert Ludlum
Jackie Faber, Bloody Jack L.A. Meyer

9. Toy Story - a book with characters you wish would come to life
The Dark Hunter Universe, Sherrilyn Kenyon

10. Disney Descendants - your favorite villain or morally ambiguous character
Hannibal Lecter, 

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