Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Wrap Up l November 2018

It is really starting to feel like winter, and with that come the on-set of Christmas spirit. While I can see lots of movie watching and maybe a Harry Potter reread or two I am not planning on reading much through the holidays and into the New Year. 

November was a roller coaster, Elevation has been one of my most anticipated reads, and while I don't think it is Kings best novella ever (being a different genera, fantasy) it was still a great little read. I expected more from Lost Boy, Lost Girl than what I got; I had no expecations for Heartsick and I now can't wait to get my hands on the rest of the books! The Deep was my most disappointing read this month, from the creator of Jaws! Sir Peter Benchley, it was slow, boring and incredibly anticlimactic. 

Onto the complete Wrap Up :

Novels (6)
  • Bed of Nails, Michael Slade 
  • Lost Boy, Lost Girl, Peter Straub
  • Elevation, Stephen King
  • The Book of the Dead, Douglas Preston
  • Heartsick, Chelsea Cain
  • The Deep, Peter Benchly

Audiobooks (7) <-- the only good thing about driving 
an hour to work and an hour home every day.
  • The Funhouse, Dean Koontz 
  • The Eyes of Darkness, Dean Koontz 
  • Baja Blood, MEGA #2, Jake Bible 
  • When Giants Collide, MEGA #3, Jake Bible
  • Blood of the Fold, Sword of Truth Book #3, Terry Goodkind
  • Temple of the Winds, Sword of Truth Book #4, Terry Goodkind
  • Soul of Fire, Sword of Truth, Book #5, Terry Goodkind

  •  Faith of the Fallen, Sword of Truth Book #6, Terry Goodkind

***Hopefully by the time this is published I am onto The Pillars of Creation, Book #7 of the Sword of Truth. 

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