Thursday, November 8, 2018

Wrap Up l October 2018

  • White Devils, Paul McAuley
  • The Girl in 6E, AE Torre

  • Night Chills, Dean Koontz
  • American Psycho, Brett Easton Ellis
  • Hell House, Richard Matheson
  • Mega, Jake Bible 
  • The Vision, Dean Koontz
  • The Key To Midnight, Dean Koontz
  • A Darker Shade of Magic, VE Schwab
  • Vicious, VE Schwab 
  • The Voice of the Night, Dean Koontz 
  • The Mask, Dean Koontz
  • The Funhouse, Dean Koontz 
  • The Voice of the Night, Dean Koontz 
  • Bed of Nails, Michael Slade 
  • The Blood of the Fold 

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