Monday, February 5, 2018

Book Review l Hope : A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland

Hope : A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland
Amanda Berry and Gina Dejesus 

Ariel Castro, kidnapped and held 3 girls prisoner for 10 years, in Cleveland, Ohio. Just blocks away from their homes and desperately searching family's.  This is Amanda and Gina's side of the story. From the day they were taken to the day they escaped and everything in between. 

Elizabeth Smart, Jaycee Dugard, Natasha Kampusch, Amanda Berry, Gina Dejesus and Michelle Knight are all women who have survived long term abduction and multiple rape at the hands of perverse and evil men.

It is such an emotional roller coaster reading these stories. It is hard to think of them as non-fiction, because how could this be true? how could one human being do these things to another human being? How could the cops not suspect Castro? How did his family not see the signs? Other people were in and out of that house over the years, they never suspected he had three girls and then also a baby locked away in his home? How?!? This book answers so many questions but raises so many more.

These girls were from very normal family's and living very normal lives. Which is the scariest part, it really could happen to anyone. I can only think of a dozen (not even) people who have had this happen to them, but on the off chance you or someone you knew was that one in one hundred million? Its just mind blowing and shocking.

Other books about the case are : The Lose Girls by John Glatt & Finding Me by Michelle Knight

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