Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Top 5 Wednesday l January

January 3rd: 2018 Reading Resolutions
  1. Finish at least 5 series that I started
  2. Read a book every week (52 books this year)
  3. Read at 5 classics I haven't read before and 5 classics I have. 
  4. Read at least 10 non-fiction novels
  5. Read the unread books on my shelf (10 books)
January 10th: Books You Didn't Get to In 2017 
  1. Kelan Patrick Burke Books
  2. UnRead Stephen Kings
  3. Red Queen, Victoria Aveyard
  4. Fathomless, Grieg Beck 
  5. Jaws, Peter Blanchey

January 17th: Forgettable Books (That you liked) 
  1. Kelley Armstrong Books - I almost always love her books, but they don't really leave any impression
  2. Thirteen Reasons Why, Jay Asher - considering how sensational this was and that I read it twice, I have the general gist obviously, but any and all detail is gone. 
  3. Bad Girls Don't Die, Katie Alender
  4. Jane Austen Books
  5. The Darkest Minds, Alexandra Bracken 

January 24th: Books You Disliked but Love to Discuss 

January 31st: Hidden Gems in Your Favorite Genre 

  1. HP Lovecraft - he totally has a cult following but considering how popular horror is you don't hear too much about him
  2. Kin, Kelan Patrick Burke - He took this most obvious idea ever (mash together horror cliches and tell a horror book in horror movie style), wrote an incredible story and you never hear about it or any of his other books really
  3. Off Season, Jack Ketchum 
I know have a much bigger TBR thanks to this question and a little bit of googling but I still only have 3 answers... 

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