Thursday, August 31, 2017

Top 5 Wednesday l August 2017

August 9th: Second Book is Best
I have been reading lots of stand-alones lately and I was a little stumped when I saw this question and nothing immediately jumped out at me as an answer. Looking back at goodreads was a little bit of a shock I haven't read a series since May! So older stuff from before 

  • Fever, The Chemical Garden Trilogy, Lauren DeStephano
  • Scarlett, The Lunar Chronicles, Marissa Meyer
  • Finders Keepers, Stephen King - this is less of "best" than they are equally amazing
  • The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers, JRR Tolkien - I was the most invested in this book and its characters during the sequel, it had the most action in my opinion as well
  • Visions, Kelley Armstong  - the entirety of book one, was setting up book two. 

August 16th: Characters' Fitness Routines You Want
Weight lifting, strength centred training is my style. Grateful that I do have the time and resources to workout regularly. I always get a thrill out of other girl characters fallowing the same kind of routines (as its not uncommon but its not really common either)

  • Shadow Hunters, Cassandra Clare
  • Camp Half Blood, Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan
  • Alanna's Training, Knighthood, The Song of the Lioness, Tamora Pierce
  • Brienne's Training, Knighthood,  A Song of Ice and Fire, George RR Martin
  • Menolly, Acrobate/Spy, The Sisters of the Moon, Yasmine Galenorm

August 23rd: Books from Before You Joined the Online Book Community
  • Firebringer, David Clement Davis
  • Redwall, Brian Jaques
  • Goosebumps, RL Stine
  • Twilight, Stephanie Meyer
  • Harry Potter, JK Rowling

August 30th: Favorite Bromances
-- I think we have done this topic before in the distant past, but who doesn't love a good bromance? Bromance = platonic relationship between two characters who identify as male. 
  • Harry and Ron, Harry Potter, JK Rowling
  • Sam and Frodo, Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien
  • Sam and John, A Song of Ice and Fire, George RR Martin
  • Gem and Will, The Infernal Devices, Cassandra Clare
I am excluding characters where one was gay, just because love/lust motivated half the relationship in many cases and the bromances tend to fall apart once feelings are known (Jace and Alec - Cassandra Clare Mortal Instruments - came to mind right away)

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