Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Top 5 Wednesday - January

January 4th: 2017 Goals 
  1. My goodreads challenge is only 52 books so 1 book a week which I know is feasible, but my personal goal is 3 books a week for a total of 163
  2. Finish getting my back tattooed
  3. Keep up with my blog and get a youtube channel started again
  4. Go to the gym 3/4 days a week minimum (I was really good last year until December, I am getting back into it now and hope I continue through the year again)
  5. Get my dairy allergy in check, which will help everything, acne, health, gym performance.
January 11th: 2017 Debuts You Are Excited For 
I only have two for this one, I kind of just pick things up as I go. I don't plan super far in advance and the books I am really waiting for in 2017 are the final novels in a few series.
  1. The Hate U Give, Angie Thomas
  2. The Best is an Animal, Peternelle van Arsdale
January 18th: Favorite Polarizing Books 
  1. Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien. Obviously very very popular and with the newish movies I know lots of people who picked these up for the first time and hated them because of how much they drag on. The writing is not for everyone and I struggled as well until I got the audiobook which are amazing. It still did take me almost two years too read the full series and the hobbit. 
  2. Twilight, Stephanie Meyer. If you don't know about this where have you been?
  3. Infernal Devices, Cassandra Clare. I hated the moral instruments which are boring and drag on and on, but I loved this and i'm not the only one, but people who really loved the contemporariness of TMI were really against these companion novels 
  4. Stephen King's works & The Dark Tower which are two categories within themselves. 

January 25th: Favorite Underrated Books 
I struggled with this topic way more than I thought I would, turns out most of the things I've read lately have been really popular or books that would have been on this list 12 or even 6 months ago have recently been put in the spotlight. 
  1. The Pellinor Series, Allison Croggon
  2. Tamora Pierce *She must have a huge fanbase because of how many books she's published in multiple languages but her novels aren't really talked about. 

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