Monday, January 16, 2017

Book Review - City of Bones

The City of Bones
(The Mortal Instruments #1)
Cassandra Clare

7 Stars
485 Pages
Easy Reads
YA/ Paranormal / Supernatural / Fantasy

We are introduced to the Shadow-Hunter world; witches, warlocks, vampires, angels and demons live among us, hidden behind a veil of magic. We meet Clarey and her best friend Simon, two normal humans, or so it seems. Until Clarey's mother goes missing and she meets Jace. Finds out that she too is a ShadowHunter. Drawn into this unbelievable new world, fighting to hold onto her old life, looking for her mother, fighting the forces of darkness, all while trying to survive being a teenager is a tall order but with a little help Clarey just might get though it.

This was a reread for me, I am planning to binge read through most of Cassandra Clares books in the next couple of months. I liked the book when I first read it (when it first came out) and was planning on reading the rest of the novels but they hadn't been released yet and my interest shifted away while I was waiting. Being older and closer in age to the target audience than I was on my first read I picked up on way more references and "clued in" in a way that I missed the first time. I really liked the world, the characters, the writing style, pretty much everything I don't really have any major complaints. There are lots of typical cliches fallowed (without spoiling too much) the choices or characters and there dynamic, some insta-love, characters oblivious to obvious infatuation, a few small plot holes or information used to fill a plot hole that doesn't really fit.
All in all I will be continuing these books and I think if you read them at the right time and didn't have as much of the YA genera read as I do the books would totally live up to there hype. Worth recommending
*and on a side note my boyfriend loved the books (9 Stars) and has read the whole series so bonus points for the rating

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