Jason Gurley
450 Pages
8 Stars
Fiction / Science Fiction /YA /Adult/ Fantasy/ Mental Health
I can't find words to accurately sum up this novel but I will leave the Link to its Goodreads page (here)
I can't remember how I came across the recommendation for this novel, but I picked it up within a few weeks of hearing about it and started reading right away. To start off with the superficial: I am in love with the covers for this book, both the original and the alternate are stunning and reflect the tone of the novel perfectly. It has a soft, melancholy, beautiful, haunting presences. A rainy day personified. It only took me a few sessions to get through the whole novel, it was hard to put down once I got into it. It did take a few chapters buildup to really get rolling and I was a little confused initially because I didn't pay enough attention to the time line. There are some really good messages and examples of depression (post partum specifically) and its effects on not just the sufferer but the whole family unit and how it trickles down into the foundations of home life. The resonation of the past into the future, how one event can determine so much or so little depending on how a person copes, how different people deal with events in different ways.
The more I reflect on this, the better it is, I would highly highly recommend this novel. It is one that you could read time and time again.
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