Sunday, May 1, 2016

Series Review - Odd Thomas (Part 1) SPOILERS!

Odd Thomas 
Dean Koontz 

7 Novels

*Read on audiobook by David Thomas Baker

The first three novels in this series where a roller coaster for me, ranging from distaste all the way through to absolute adoration. These are the first books I have read by Dean Koontz although many of his novels (most notably the Frankenstein series) have been on my TBR much longer than the Odd series. Deciding that it was time to start reading - or in this case listening - to a medium sized well reviewed series.

Odd Thomas

4 Stars

I went into this novel knowing that it was my friends absolute favourite but nothing else, so how I came up with a preconceived idea that this was a horror novel is a mystery to me. Because I was expecting horror I was originally disappointed when I realized it was a mystery. I was in love with the premise and the idea of the book but the writing style drove me a little bit crazy, I am not a fan of diaries as a general statement and this was no exception. I found it rambling, full of useless information, the novel was there for overly long and drawn out. Odd was entertaining but also whiney, weak, and frustrating at times, the people that I really fell in love with are the supporting characters; given just as much depth as Odd they are strangely more likeable and well rounded.
*there is a movie that was made after the novel was so well received. I was unaware of this and have yet to see the film but wan't to once I have finished with the books.

Forever Odd

3 Stars

Curiosity as to where the series was headed in general, and the outcome of the rest of the characters drew me into picking up this book. As the above review states had been less than impressed with the first novel in many ways.  I considered reevaluating my overall opinion - which was that the books progressed so slowly and indirectly that you lost the story and the suspense (unable to see the forest for the trees) - when the action started right from the first pages. I had spoken too soon however as the action was then stalled all the way through till the final chapters of the book. Where the ending was disappointing. Again the biggest redeeming factor was the supporting characters. I was intrigued by the villain; although Odd's interactions left me cringing, frustrated and angry, he was also starting to grow on me a little.

Brother Odd

4 Stars

I was almost certain that, a few chapters into this novel I was going to put this series down and walk away. The characters I had been clinging too where removed from the picture now that Odd had moved to the monastery.
I  am not really sure whether it was because my lingering disappointment over the lack of horror dissipated or if the writing changed dramatically but subtly enough to morph from bad to good. Regardless I was very pleasantly surprised, I found this novel to be much more engaging.  The new host of side characters was just as strong as the previous novels and Odd must have grown on me or again the writing must have evolved. While still rambling the babble seemed less disjointed adding to the tale rather than taking away as it had previously. The addition of more paranormal activity was welcomed with open arms, although I was not in love with the ending it was decent.

 In conclusion while these initial books haven't become my next favourite thing I am looking forward to the remainder of the series.

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